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Sunday, December 6

Well, so what has changed lately? Basically my thinking. Well i have been rather disappointed with myself.

I am definitely trying my best to be efficient. I guess i need a better time management. I need to be quick on my feet....

Life is getting rather difficult lately. Working in a private sector is no joke. Dealing with billionaires, millionaires can totally be tiring. But what matters more is they get better and go home right? :)

Wild the wilder side of me has been heating up lately. I sooooo wanna go clubbing but I do not wanna tire myself to much. And gosh, I am fully packed for next week. Meeting friends and dealing with people!

Well, let me update you more on my personal life. Recently I have been on a adrenaline pump in terms of making friends. I met up with a few people, met the old ones and am finally feeling the feeling of being broke! Hahaha!

Oh god! Well, hopefully I would improve throughout these weeks! I wanna try my best to achieve a grade A! TEEE HEEE!!!!

Toodles darlings!


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