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Christmas Hangout

Friday, December 25

First of all, snoopy would like to say MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone who reads this blog!

Well, my christmas hangout with the guys yesterday was awesome! Plus I met up with Paul and Boon Siong this morning. Saw cute people wearing small little christmas hats. Paul and Boon Siong were rather interesting people. Little conversation would happen between them and Boon Siong would shoot out questions which I find it hard to answer! Haha!

But that lunch was good guys! "High Class" Chinese Restaurant. Haha! You guys seriously crack me up. Well, I am definitely booked on February 15. 1 day after valentines day. Its someone's 2 years anniversary and I need to support that sweet couple! I wonder what I should get for them? Hmmp!!!!!

Well I guess thats all for this post. Cheers guys :)

Life is great... =)


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