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AMK Park

Thursday, December 17

Sometimes, all it takes is a stroll along AMK park, being with a totally random friend, wishing how life with be being with that person.....

How would life be?

Hmmp..... If all goes well, it would be incredible! If all does not go well, well, down the drain i suppose?

But thats life. Its so unpredictable..... Always have expectation, but having expectations disappoints oneself especially when they do not achieve it. Just like what happened to my Clinical Attachment Grades. I got a B+. I was totally disappointed! I felt stupid! I felt as if I am not pushing myself harder.

Whats my aim in life? Well, to be a Doctor of course. But if that dream is crushed, than I would love to be a Nurse educator. My passion lies in Teaching and Saving my dear patient's lives.

Hopefully I would get out of my emo corner soon....

Fingers crossed!!!!


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