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Loving my PRCP

Wednesday, December 2


Well well well, I shall talk about my PRCP this time. 

PRCP is a final 16 week attachment for Diploma Nursing students. 4 weeks have past by so far and I am kinda enjoying it. The staff in my hospital is great, my CI is great, even my ward sister is wonderful.

I guess the environment plays apart in learning eh? A huge part actually.

Well for this post, there will not be any photos or whatsoever at the moment. But anyways, alot of things happened during this attachment.

Well I broke down once, I nearly made errors, but luckly i was sharp and i am starting to have this bond towards my patients...

Yes, I do love all my patients. I received alot of complements from Doctors, Staff and Patients, but at the same time, I received complains. But how should we all look at complains?

Well I take these complains positively as a step to improve my service towards my darlings... Its that simple. I am not some looser who sits down and cry just because I received a complain! Hahaha!

However, things are getting more difficult lately. The pressure is on. Have been really busy busy busy!

No time for blogging, no time for friends, no time for family! Haiz... But i would definitely try my best to achieve an A for this attachment.

God bless Raffles Hospital!

Till next time people :)


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