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Toy Story 3

Tuesday, June 22

I have always been a huge fan of Pixar Animation, well mainly due to Steve Jobs, since he was the founder of it and sold it to Disney, which by the way, makes him the largest individual shareholder in Disney.

Well, let me get to the point. After my Museum trip today, I went to watch Toy Story 3 with Kira. Kira was kind enough to treat me for the 3D movie due to the fact that I payed for our Swensens lunch. Haha.

I had no idea how the story line of Toy Story 3 would be. But after watching it, I had no regrets. It is simply the best 3D movie after Avatar. Disney Pixar never fails to amuse me.

We were laughing throughout the movie, because it was dead funny. However, I did find the little baby toy rather scary looking, but other than that, the movie has no flaws. The alien guys were dead adorable. Potato man even transformed into "Prata" man and Cucumber man for a few minutes. Haha. That was just too funny.

However, the ending was quite touching, until the person beside me(Hint: Kira) started tearing. Haha. Well, to be frank, I was a little sad. I shall not give away the ending, but I guess we all need to let go of things when we know that its the time to let go. So yea, Toy Story 3 gets a 4.5/5 from me. A MUST watch movie for everyone.

Do have a nice time munching on your popcorns people. Just don't do it beside me because the sound is annoying... :D


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