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A hangout to remember

Tuesday, June 15

Oh dear lord, Madonna is getting into my head. Everything seems Madonna lately, but I seem to like my Queen. When will she ever visit me?

Today was great actually. Malcolm, Kira, Shin and I hung out at Orchard. We went to Carls Junior to eat. The food there is rather unreasonably priced but somewhat delicious. Kira was awfully quiet. However, I did feel like stabbing myself on that day, had no idea why. Maybe due to jealousy?

Anyways, the whole day went as planned, but I needed to go to my hospital for an emergency. However, I needed to have a talk with someone really urgently. So i asked my friend to take over me and I started talking to that someone.

As usual, the month of June is rather emotional, but I guess things need to go these way. But life is great though.

Guess I need to go back to sleep eh? :)



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