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Dead Man's Chest

Thursday, June 24

What is death really? Is it a new beginning? Or is it just total darkness?

I would rather believe that death is a new beginning. Though scientifically, there are evidences of reincarnation, but frankly, do we all go through reincarnation? Hmm....

Birth and death is the cycle of life. They both have to complement each other. Though death is much more less predictable than birth itself, but we must take note that tears are shed on both occasions.

I don't understand why people treat the dead really well, especially when they do not do the same when the person is alive. Why do they cry on the day in front of the motionless body when they have been cursing the person all these while? I simply do not understand.

I, on the other hand am rather immune to death. Death is not painful when I know that it has occurred to an old person, but it definitely hurts when it occurs to someone around the same age as me.

I remember my near death experiences and I am thankful for the people who tried saving me. Without that chance, I would not be enjoying my life, especially these few weeks. It has been a blast. I always considered myself to be one blessed child.

I have wealth, I have awesome parents, I have awesome friends. I practically have everything in life, but somehow I do not like to flaunt it. I do not like to flaunt my wealth. My friends usually think I come from a poor family, which is great. At least I get to be pampered... Haha!

By the way, my dear god brother's grandfather has just passed on. I guess my god brother was rather devastated as he say him die in front of his eyes. I wanted to be there for him but I could not.

However, I did meet him this evening at around 8 pm, just to accompany him. This would be my first time attending a chinese funeral. I can see the difference. In a chinese funeral, the relatives are not allowed to cry. I can see my dear brother trying his best to smile. I did make him laugh though.

He than taught me how to fold paper gold bars for his grandfather. To have a rich life in heaven. We did it until 9.45 pm. It was rather interesting though. Sometimes I wish I were chinese, because I know that when I die, I would be rich! Haha!

While folding the gold papers, I got one crumpled. My reaction was "What the Hell". I definitely got some stares when I said that. Embarrassing man!

My god brother got me this little cute keychain from Cambodia. I am gonna carry it around with me all the time. I guess these kind of things mean a lot to me. Thanks little brother! :)

I had to leave the area at around 10, but before I left the area, I saw this car....

Well not really... It was made of paper. Apparently they were suppose to burn the gold bars and the car so that he would receive it in his afterlife. Cool right?

Cheers to death... I guess...


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