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Wednesday, June 30

The Singapore General Hospital (SGH) has received global recognition for its nursing practices and patient care. 

It is the first hospital in Asia to be accredited under the "Magnet Recognition Programme". 

With this accreditation, SGH now stands alongside the top five per cent of hospitals in the world which also have been recognized.  ---> Abstract from Channel NewsAsia

Well well well, firstly, I would like to take my time to congratulate the Nursing team/medical team for achieving such a prestigious status.

No doubt, the nursing practices and patient care in SGH is simply amazing. But how about interaction with third party. Lets say for example: Relatives of the patient?

I always did not like SGH as compared to other government hospital, mainly because of it's structure. It feels all so cramped up and quite gloomy. Every time someone close to me is admitted to the hospital, I end up being caught up in the middle of some miscommunication. Miscommunication between the counter security staff on the first level and the Nurses in the ward.

Its quite interesting that the latter would let you enter the ward whilst the nurses would just chase you out of the ward by giving me utter rubbish reasons. I clearly do not see why the nurses should resort to such act. Would you not want your patients to be happy? I thought one of the nursing intervention for anorexic patients is to have their friends/family members by their side?

Such inconvenience would not be caused if there were no communication barrier between those two parties. I would definitely love to talk to the nursing manager about this issue though. My main intention is not to lodge a compliant as a compliant would not help either party. I would love to offer a solution to this problem. 

I find the the nurses in this particular ward should appear more cheerful towards relatives and friends of the patient. Yes, they maybe strict with their patients, but there was one nurse who treated me like a small kid (Apparently I look like a secondary school boy). The enrolled nurse gave me an obnoxious reply when I asked her if I could discuss the care plan for the patient together with the staff nurse-in-charge. But after getting irritated by such service, I told her that I myself am a Staff Nurse. 

Funnily though, she just stopped talking and said she would attend to my request after lunch. But apparently its really difficult to do such a thing. I have been to this ward previously and I definitely feel that the service standard has crippled. Maybe all of us nurses could be more service oriented... Remember, service with a smile always wins the day :)

As we say, we are not only nursing the patients, we are also nursing their relatives.....
But other than that, SGH definitely is one of the most well reputable hospital in Singapore. Most of my friends who were admitted there gave positive feedbacks so far. 

*This post is based on personal perception. Defamation not intended.


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