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Friday, June 18

Another blog update about my life. But before I start boring you guys, I would like to share something.

The month of June is pretty shaky though. I deem this month the Month of Heart Breaks. Even Mother nature cannot contain her emotions. Well, we all know what happened to Orchard though.

I have been receiving calls, day in and day out by my friends, sobbing to me. At least 10 of them have been through breakups this month. Well for me, I had a mental break down.

As you all know, I have been single for the past month after 6 years. But I guess we need to let things go right? Moving on is not going to be easy. But with the help of my friends, I do know that I can make it. If I were to list all of their names down, i bet i can only complete it by the end of the week. Haha.

Just for the side note, I do know that I would not be able to enter another relationship as soon as possible. But who knows, if the right person walks by, we all need to grab that chance eh?

Thanks guys for being there for me in times of need. Especially those in my Facebook. Cheers.

As for my friends who are still in need, please do message me alright? I cannot promise that I would be there all the time, but I would try my best to help yea... Let's all hold hands and move forward in life...


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