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The Freedom To Love

Saturday, May 15

I went to the PinkdotSg event today. Basically its focusing on the LGBT community and to spread the freedom to love. I think the concept of this activity was really good. However, it was about the same as last year. 4 Performances, and a song at the end?

Whats different is, this year, PinkdotSg has shift its focus towards the Families of these LGBT people. As I said, the concept is good because it showed the positive side of the untold story. Usually on television, we see parents disowning children and so on, but the talks given by parents of the LGBT was truly touching. They talked about their ability to accept their brothers, daughters, sons and so on.

Frankly speaking, I have a lot of LGBT friends and I think that they should definitely be treated and loved as how a normal "Straight" person should. Never bring religion in between a battle of love. This is the 21st century for goodness sakes!

Till next time!


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