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Sunday, May 30

Its been rather disappointing on my part on how I have been ignoring my innocent little Fans lately. But I guess Its time for another update right? Or is it long overdue? Hmmp....

Well, this month has been a really interesting Month though. Been really busy with meet-ups and concentrating on my health. I guess I would not be working anymore until my body is back in shape. But don't yea worry bout me peeps, I'm all cool.

So lets Start with the interesting people I have met lately. Hui Wei, Asry, Radzy, Jeremiah, Adli, Kriss, Kanneth, Rahim, Arul, Kiwi, Terence, Raymond and Sabri. Well it also includes a catching up session with Petrina and Haziqah, Viknesh, Shin, Hanif, Ivan and my lovely duo, Joe and Boon Siong.

Getting to know new people can be rather tiring, but somehow enriching especially when I learn about their different background, so on and so forth. Also, their company is great. I do not feel as tensed up as before.

It's really easy to communicate with these fellow citizens even though their age ranges from 15 to 30 plus. And also, no doubt there are differences between us, but it does not seem to bother at all.

Well I guess I would be meeting up with more people next month, namely Nathan, since I have been "ignoring" him lately.. Haha! He is by no doubt, the best guy I have ever met. See ya next month Buddy!

Till next time!


Friday, May 28

I went to watch Shrek with this new friend of mine who goes by the name Raymond. Just for the info, He is one hack of a joker! Haha! We could not stop laughing throughout our meet up.

Well anyway, Shrek was an OK movie. Its about the same theme as the previous. All about Family, Friends and how true love can save the day. I really wished they showed more of the Shrek Babies and dragon-donkey mutation thingys, because they simply look adorable!

But other than the good story line, I felt that the movie was a little too rushy.. They should have made it 2 hours of Shrek goodness! Haha!

Its a 3 out of 5 for me though. I do not think people would buy the DVD for this after watching.


Sex at the City 2

Thursday, May 27

What do you get when you add gay marriages, sexy "Grannies", sex, love, Man-O-Pause, twist and loads of GLAMOUR? Well you definitely get yourself a movie of a life time.

Sex at the City 2!

Frankly, I have not yet watched the first movie, but since Terence did tell me about each individual character in the Movie, I totally understood it. It is definitely really funny, and the ladies are HO-ORT!

Oh my, no doubt they be around the same age as my mother or so on, but they are DEFINITELY a treat! Haha! And their style and fashion, ohhhh lala!

Its definitely 0 on the slashion scale so its a definite MUST-WATCH for people who love fashion and comedy!

Till next time!

The Freedom To Love

Saturday, May 15

I went to the PinkdotSg event today. Basically its focusing on the LGBT community and to spread the freedom to love. I think the concept of this activity was really good. However, it was about the same as last year. 4 Performances, and a song at the end?

Whats different is, this year, PinkdotSg has shift its focus towards the Families of these LGBT people. As I said, the concept is good because it showed the positive side of the untold story. Usually on television, we see parents disowning children and so on, but the talks given by parents of the LGBT was truly touching. They talked about their ability to accept their brothers, daughters, sons and so on.

Frankly speaking, I have a lot of LGBT friends and I think that they should definitely be treated and loved as how a normal "Straight" person should. Never bring religion in between a battle of love. This is the 21st century for goodness sakes!

Till next time!


Wednesday, May 12

Well what is velocity basically? Ohh... Velocity is the rate of change of position right? Hmmp... Teaching Hui Wei is really a challenge I should say. Having him playing around with his lap top, yet having his Physics paper tomorrow. Hmmp... totally reminds me of the time when I was in secondary school. It is definitely a bitter sweet memory.

I remember those times when I was with Hareni, us going to 888 plaza and eating mac-donalds. Ahh.... Those were the days when I was fat...

Talking about fat, I kinda find myself ultra skinny. I have been on a weight gaining spree again! Yea! gained 2 KG by far. another 2 more to go! Will keep you guys updated.

Oh well, I guess thats all for the first update. Oh yea, and before I go, just want to tell you guys that I have been HEALED! PRAISE THE LORD!!! Hahaha!

With plenty of love to give,

Your one and only :)