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Private Practice

Friday, June 25

Ever since I decided to enter Raffles Hospital for my Pre-registration consolidation programme, I felt more inclined towards private practice. My experience in Raffles was somewhat different from any other government hospital I have entered. No doubt no hospital could be compared to the best, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, but the environment in Raffles is not that bad.

I got to meet very challenging patients. Sometimes even a Prince, Ministers, Hollywood stars and so on. Of course I am not able to specify who it is exactly since I have signed the non-disclosure agreement. However, after my absence in the hospital, I have told myself to go one step further.

I am now doing up my own Private Nursing for people who need me. I go to people's houses to attend to the aged relatives, my specialty actually (Thanks to TTSH). However, whats rather ironic is that people would think that I am doing this for the money, but actually, to be frank, I am doing this because I love Nursing people. Moreover, I do not like to be bound to a hospital at this moment. Its rather enjoyable though, Actually, I am even doing it for free for one of my client.

The grandmother is simply cute. Every month I just need to go over to her place, assess her. So far, she is doing very well. After the short assessment, I just need to give her her vitamin injection, and wolla, its done. The smile she gives me before I leave is simply priceless. I would want more of these actually. Hahaha...

I am just writing this post to tell people that I love what I do even though it may be deemed as a "Girly" profession. I would say as this profession brings me the satisfaction. At least it's less stressful than teaching and law. Hahaha.


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