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The Island of Fun (Part 1)

Thursday, June 24

Sentosa has always been 1st in our list of Tourist Attractions, but how did it live up to the locals?

Well, usually, I would go to Sentosa at least twice per year, but somehow, this visit was the best.

When I head out to Sentosa with my parents or friends, we tend to spend time at the beach. Previously, I have been to the Fantasy Island (closed), Volcano island (closed), Dolphin lagoon (closed) and the Underwater world (with my ex). Besides these, I have not been to any of the other attractions in Sentosa.

Today, Kira asked me to accompany him to Sentosa as he wanted to buy the Resort World Sentosa tickets as we would be going there this coming Monday. However, since we had a lot of time on our hands, we decided to explore Sentosa after purchasing those tickets.

It was my first time experiencing the Luge and the Skyride. The luge was rather exciting as both Kira and I were racing each other. That 'arse' kept on coming onto my lane and thus slowing me down, but as I told him I was Louis Hamilton, I took over him and won the race. Okie fine.. Only because he thought I dropped my ticket half way and stopped to pick it up for me, but still, I won that race. Haha!

The Skyride was rather scary though, dangling at mid-air, having a friend beside you who wants to rock the whole seat. My god, I was rather stiff for around 5 mins, but luckily I am still alive. 

Well anyway, after that ride, we hiked along the dragon trail. It looked very untouched, as if nobody knew it existed. I think people could freely make out there, without worrying about any passerby. LOL! The dragon trail was rather interesting though. You start by walking on top of the dragon, and get to see little fountains and stuff like that.

After loosing our way, we took a bus to the underwater world. The underwater world was rather fascinating. I finally had the courage to touch the stingrays and some other fishes. Stingray's texture felt rather carpet like, like what Paul said previously. The fishes were rather smooth (Like DUH!).

We also learnt about different crabs and stuff, and came across some underwater mating, or shall I say free porn for all to see? Haha! Everyone was enjoying their time though.

When we were ready, we went to the dolphin arena. I felt that the show was rather plain, but its still worth to watch. 10 mins of entertainment, not bad at all actually.

I guess thats all we did in Sentosa, not forgetting dinning at some typical chinese restaurant at RWS. Darn worth it. The experience this time was somewhat different. I finally knew what I have been missing all these years. There is still a lot to explore in Singapore...

I would be heading to Sentosa again on Monday with Kira. We want to try out the rides at Universal Studios. Will be blogging again after that experience.

Life is just so fun =)


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