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Wednesday, June 30

The Singapore General Hospital (SGH) has received global recognition for its nursing practices and patient care. 

It is the first hospital in Asia to be accredited under the "Magnet Recognition Programme". 

With this accreditation, SGH now stands alongside the top five per cent of hospitals in the world which also have been recognized.  ---> Abstract from Channel NewsAsia

Well well well, firstly, I would like to take my time to congratulate the Nursing team/medical team for achieving such a prestigious status.

No doubt, the nursing practices and patient care in SGH is simply amazing. But how about interaction with third party. Lets say for example: Relatives of the patient?

I always did not like SGH as compared to other government hospital, mainly because of it's structure. It feels all so cramped up and quite gloomy. Every time someone close to me is admitted to the hospital, I end up being caught up in the middle of some miscommunication. Miscommunication between the counter security staff on the first level and the Nurses in the ward.

Its quite interesting that the latter would let you enter the ward whilst the nurses would just chase you out of the ward by giving me utter rubbish reasons. I clearly do not see why the nurses should resort to such act. Would you not want your patients to be happy? I thought one of the nursing intervention for anorexic patients is to have their friends/family members by their side?

Such inconvenience would not be caused if there were no communication barrier between those two parties. I would definitely love to talk to the nursing manager about this issue though. My main intention is not to lodge a compliant as a compliant would not help either party. I would love to offer a solution to this problem. 

I find the the nurses in this particular ward should appear more cheerful towards relatives and friends of the patient. Yes, they maybe strict with their patients, but there was one nurse who treated me like a small kid (Apparently I look like a secondary school boy). The enrolled nurse gave me an obnoxious reply when I asked her if I could discuss the care plan for the patient together with the staff nurse-in-charge. But after getting irritated by such service, I told her that I myself am a Staff Nurse. 

Funnily though, she just stopped talking and said she would attend to my request after lunch. But apparently its really difficult to do such a thing. I have been to this ward previously and I definitely feel that the service standard has crippled. Maybe all of us nurses could be more service oriented... Remember, service with a smile always wins the day :)

As we say, we are not only nursing the patients, we are also nursing their relatives.....
But other than that, SGH definitely is one of the most well reputable hospital in Singapore. Most of my friends who were admitted there gave positive feedbacks so far. 

*This post is based on personal perception. Defamation not intended.


Monday, June 28

Something MAGICAL is happening at this moment.............

Will you be there?

Saturday, June 26

In Our Darkest Hour

In My Deepest Despair

*Will You Still Care?

*Will You Be There?

In My Trials

And My Tripulations

Through Our Doubts

And Frustrations

In My Violence

In My Turbulence

Through My Fear

And My Confessions

In My Anguish And My Pain

Through My Joy And My Sorrow

In The Promise Of Another Tomorrow

I'll Never Let You Part

For You're Always In My Heart

- Michael Jackson

*I would, but would you?
And the answer to the question stated in the picture: Me

Private Practice

Friday, June 25

Ever since I decided to enter Raffles Hospital for my Pre-registration consolidation programme, I felt more inclined towards private practice. My experience in Raffles was somewhat different from any other government hospital I have entered. No doubt no hospital could be compared to the best, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, but the environment in Raffles is not that bad.

I got to meet very challenging patients. Sometimes even a Prince, Ministers, Hollywood stars and so on. Of course I am not able to specify who it is exactly since I have signed the non-disclosure agreement. However, after my absence in the hospital, I have told myself to go one step further.

I am now doing up my own Private Nursing for people who need me. I go to people's houses to attend to the aged relatives, my specialty actually (Thanks to TTSH). However, whats rather ironic is that people would think that I am doing this for the money, but actually, to be frank, I am doing this because I love Nursing people. Moreover, I do not like to be bound to a hospital at this moment. Its rather enjoyable though, Actually, I am even doing it for free for one of my client.

The grandmother is simply cute. Every month I just need to go over to her place, assess her. So far, she is doing very well. After the short assessment, I just need to give her her vitamin injection, and wolla, its done. The smile she gives me before I leave is simply priceless. I would want more of these actually. Hahaha...

I am just writing this post to tell people that I love what I do even though it may be deemed as a "Girly" profession. I would say as this profession brings me the satisfaction. At least it's less stressful than teaching and law. Hahaha.

Dead Man's Chest

Thursday, June 24

What is death really? Is it a new beginning? Or is it just total darkness?

I would rather believe that death is a new beginning. Though scientifically, there are evidences of reincarnation, but frankly, do we all go through reincarnation? Hmm....

Birth and death is the cycle of life. They both have to complement each other. Though death is much more less predictable than birth itself, but we must take note that tears are shed on both occasions.

I don't understand why people treat the dead really well, especially when they do not do the same when the person is alive. Why do they cry on the day in front of the motionless body when they have been cursing the person all these while? I simply do not understand.

I, on the other hand am rather immune to death. Death is not painful when I know that it has occurred to an old person, but it definitely hurts when it occurs to someone around the same age as me.

I remember my near death experiences and I am thankful for the people who tried saving me. Without that chance, I would not be enjoying my life, especially these few weeks. It has been a blast. I always considered myself to be one blessed child.

I have wealth, I have awesome parents, I have awesome friends. I practically have everything in life, but somehow I do not like to flaunt it. I do not like to flaunt my wealth. My friends usually think I come from a poor family, which is great. At least I get to be pampered... Haha!

By the way, my dear god brother's grandfather has just passed on. I guess my god brother was rather devastated as he say him die in front of his eyes. I wanted to be there for him but I could not.

However, I did meet him this evening at around 8 pm, just to accompany him. This would be my first time attending a chinese funeral. I can see the difference. In a chinese funeral, the relatives are not allowed to cry. I can see my dear brother trying his best to smile. I did make him laugh though.

He than taught me how to fold paper gold bars for his grandfather. To have a rich life in heaven. We did it until 9.45 pm. It was rather interesting though. Sometimes I wish I were chinese, because I know that when I die, I would be rich! Haha!

While folding the gold papers, I got one crumpled. My reaction was "What the Hell". I definitely got some stares when I said that. Embarrassing man!

My god brother got me this little cute keychain from Cambodia. I am gonna carry it around with me all the time. I guess these kind of things mean a lot to me. Thanks little brother! :)

I had to leave the area at around 10, but before I left the area, I saw this car....

Well not really... It was made of paper. Apparently they were suppose to burn the gold bars and the car so that he would receive it in his afterlife. Cool right?

Cheers to death... I guess...

The Island of Fun (Part 1)

Sentosa has always been 1st in our list of Tourist Attractions, but how did it live up to the locals?

Well, usually, I would go to Sentosa at least twice per year, but somehow, this visit was the best.

When I head out to Sentosa with my parents or friends, we tend to spend time at the beach. Previously, I have been to the Fantasy Island (closed), Volcano island (closed), Dolphin lagoon (closed) and the Underwater world (with my ex). Besides these, I have not been to any of the other attractions in Sentosa.

Today, Kira asked me to accompany him to Sentosa as he wanted to buy the Resort World Sentosa tickets as we would be going there this coming Monday. However, since we had a lot of time on our hands, we decided to explore Sentosa after purchasing those tickets.

It was my first time experiencing the Luge and the Skyride. The luge was rather exciting as both Kira and I were racing each other. That 'arse' kept on coming onto my lane and thus slowing me down, but as I told him I was Louis Hamilton, I took over him and won the race. Okie fine.. Only because he thought I dropped my ticket half way and stopped to pick it up for me, but still, I won that race. Haha!

The Skyride was rather scary though, dangling at mid-air, having a friend beside you who wants to rock the whole seat. My god, I was rather stiff for around 5 mins, but luckily I am still alive. 

Well anyway, after that ride, we hiked along the dragon trail. It looked very untouched, as if nobody knew it existed. I think people could freely make out there, without worrying about any passerby. LOL! The dragon trail was rather interesting though. You start by walking on top of the dragon, and get to see little fountains and stuff like that.

After loosing our way, we took a bus to the underwater world. The underwater world was rather fascinating. I finally had the courage to touch the stingrays and some other fishes. Stingray's texture felt rather carpet like, like what Paul said previously. The fishes were rather smooth (Like DUH!).

We also learnt about different crabs and stuff, and came across some underwater mating, or shall I say free porn for all to see? Haha! Everyone was enjoying their time though.

When we were ready, we went to the dolphin arena. I felt that the show was rather plain, but its still worth to watch. 10 mins of entertainment, not bad at all actually.

I guess thats all we did in Sentosa, not forgetting dinning at some typical chinese restaurant at RWS. Darn worth it. The experience this time was somewhat different. I finally knew what I have been missing all these years. There is still a lot to explore in Singapore...

I would be heading to Sentosa again on Monday with Kira. We want to try out the rides at Universal Studios. Will be blogging again after that experience.

Life is just so fun =)

Toy Story 3

Tuesday, June 22

I have always been a huge fan of Pixar Animation, well mainly due to Steve Jobs, since he was the founder of it and sold it to Disney, which by the way, makes him the largest individual shareholder in Disney.

Well, let me get to the point. After my Museum trip today, I went to watch Toy Story 3 with Kira. Kira was kind enough to treat me for the 3D movie due to the fact that I payed for our Swensens lunch. Haha.

I had no idea how the story line of Toy Story 3 would be. But after watching it, I had no regrets. It is simply the best 3D movie after Avatar. Disney Pixar never fails to amuse me.

We were laughing throughout the movie, because it was dead funny. However, I did find the little baby toy rather scary looking, but other than that, the movie has no flaws. The alien guys were dead adorable. Potato man even transformed into "Prata" man and Cucumber man for a few minutes. Haha. That was just too funny.

However, the ending was quite touching, until the person beside me(Hint: Kira) started tearing. Haha. Well, to be frank, I was a little sad. I shall not give away the ending, but I guess we all need to let go of things when we know that its the time to let go. So yea, Toy Story 3 gets a 4.5/5 from me. A MUST watch movie for everyone.

Do have a nice time munching on your popcorns people. Just don't do it beside me because the sound is annoying... :D

National Museum, Singapore

I believe most of you have watched Night in the Museum, where all of the exhibits literally come to life. The National Museum of Singapore is exactly like that. Okie, well not exactly, but still, the exhibits have some life in them.

Well, some may wonder why I may be touching on something which is so random? Well, thats because I went to the Museum today, with my friend Kira. Its free admission for Students and around 10 dollars for adults. But let me tell you this, Its totally worth it.

You would learn about ancient times. The Japanese, the Chinese, the Peranakans, the tools they use, the food they ate.... and so on. It was totally interesting. We also took a look at the ancient films and cameras people used to use and some of them were actually way smaller than the ones we own now.

The trip actually made me appreciate Singapore a lot more. Its rich culture, the ability to stay so peaceful and secure in this multiracial country is something which is not common. But we have that, and thus I am truely proud of the fact.

We also saw how Singapore grew economically. From a Kampong lifestyle to a city state, just within a few years. We should realize that if Singapore would have fallen into the wrong hands, we would not be in a pleasurable state at the moment.

We also took a look at some of the garments and for your information, some of them are red carpet material. Some of them even reminded us of what Katy Perry and her gang wore in California Girls. We could not stop laughing when we had the idea of cupcake bras and so on. Well, we are guys after all right? Haha!

Well, overall, I think the trip was totally worth it. It was truely enjoyable. No doubt about that. Maybe its due to the company? Hmm.....


Friday, June 18

Another blog update about my life. But before I start boring you guys, I would like to share something.

The month of June is pretty shaky though. I deem this month the Month of Heart Breaks. Even Mother nature cannot contain her emotions. Well, we all know what happened to Orchard though.

I have been receiving calls, day in and day out by my friends, sobbing to me. At least 10 of them have been through breakups this month. Well for me, I had a mental break down.

As you all know, I have been single for the past month after 6 years. But I guess we need to let things go right? Moving on is not going to be easy. But with the help of my friends, I do know that I can make it. If I were to list all of their names down, i bet i can only complete it by the end of the week. Haha.

Just for the side note, I do know that I would not be able to enter another relationship as soon as possible. But who knows, if the right person walks by, we all need to grab that chance eh?

Thanks guys for being there for me in times of need. Especially those in my Facebook. Cheers.

As for my friends who are still in need, please do message me alright? I cannot promise that I would be there all the time, but I would try my best to help yea... Let's all hold hands and move forward in life...

A hangout to remember

Tuesday, June 15

Oh dear lord, Madonna is getting into my head. Everything seems Madonna lately, but I seem to like my Queen. When will she ever visit me?

Today was great actually. Malcolm, Kira, Shin and I hung out at Orchard. We went to Carls Junior to eat. The food there is rather unreasonably priced but somewhat delicious. Kira was awfully quiet. However, I did feel like stabbing myself on that day, had no idea why. Maybe due to jealousy?

Anyways, the whole day went as planned, but I needed to go to my hospital for an emergency. However, I needed to have a talk with someone really urgently. So i asked my friend to take over me and I started talking to that someone.

As usual, the month of June is rather emotional, but I guess things need to go these way. But life is great though.

Guess I need to go back to sleep eh? :)



Monday, June 14

All hail the Queen.... All hail the Queen.... The Queen of POP!!!


I grew up listening to Madonna's music, but somehow, it kinda died off me. Until recently, a good friend of mine forced me to watch her live performances.

This went through my head: Holy molly, its true... She is the Queen after all...

Madonna's music just brings back memories during my secondary school days. On how crazy we went about her's and Britney's music. Haha.

I have nothing much to blog about her though. But I shall end this post with this question: What brought upon her success? Can we call be like her?