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Wonderland... Thanks to.....

Wednesday, March 10

Before I start talking about Alice in Wonderland, I would like to take this moment to tell everyone that it was my first time eating at a Japanese Restaurant. Sushi Teh. I dont know if I spelt it right, but the food there was awesome. Of course I still did not dare try the sushi! Hahaha!

After eating all those food, we went to watch this movie, which FYI, was not bad at all... Well i would rate it a 2.5/5 if not for Johnny Depp. But because he was in this movie, it would be a 3.5/5. Not that bad at all. Rather funny, mysterious, and interesting. Weird most of the times though. 

However i feel that they should have concentrated more on the story line, rather than the talking... But Johnny did an excellent acting as usual though. Every character had a resemblance to us... Haha! And the big head lady was really funny! Hahaha!

Me and my colleagues could not stop laughing at those resemblance.. I was the humble mouse.. Small but dangerous! HAI YAH!

Just watch the trailer below

Take care darlings!!!


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