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All for 1, 1 for all

Monday, March 15

Oh dear lord! I giggled when i saw this picture. Well, to be rather frank, I am seriously nervous about my National Service. "How is it going to be like?". "Am I going to die?". "I am going to die!!! I KNOW IT!!!". LOL! all of these went through my head!

But as usual, being a very good motivator "ahem", I told myself this --> If papa can do it, why can't I? Okie, fine! I know my dad is a little bit more man than me... But if like all the sissy boys can get through it with a smile, seriously, why can't I? Well I know I would be there crying every night, but I guess it would be total FUN!!!

Its ironic though, how much i want to go inside, but at the same time am nervous... Hahaha!

CMPB sent me 2 letters today. Regarding my medical appointments. 1 is with regards to my cardiology test and the other is a Review by the Medical Officer. Both of them would be on the 25th. My AH cardiologist review will be on the 19th! Can't wait to see the doctor though! Very nice guy.

Oh yea! I forgot to tell you guys about my track-mill test. I manage to go till stage 5, but gave up after that because it was moving too fast. And being light, it just does not help! Seriously!

Well anyways, since i have finished my attachments and all, I would definitely have more time to update you darlings about my life. So just simply come back at least once a week for updates ya? Haha!!

Have a nice life! =)


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