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Tuesday, March 30

Medical appointment in CMPB was really awesome. No doubt I was feeling rather emotional, but the doctor was rather understanding.

Sometimes speaking to a neutral soul really helps you mentally.

Life has been rather fluctuating lately though. Been hearing a lot of noises lately. But I guess its not as bad as compared to certain people's life.

Been busy with Medical and work lately though....

Teaching Primary School children can be really entertaining, especially when they give you answers which you do not expect

Teaching in Raffles was fun too, especially when i got back in touch with my colleagues, and nurses and so on.

But now, I seriously need to get in touch with my friends. I have not been meeting a lot of people due to money constraints and so on.

And also, I simply can't wait to enter NS!

WOOT! Here I come!!! :)

But oh well, for these few days, I have been given so much time to myself. I guess I am getting sick and tired of single hood. Its rather boring. I simply get my enjoyment by showering love to that one special person... Oh well.....


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