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Sunday, January 24

These few weeks have been a really tough one. Getting scolding here and there. Getting rather emotionally hurt....

I do not understand, why people need to pass you a bad remark when they do not know you at all.

But oh well, this was not the big issue....

Sometimes I wonder, if both of them were meant for each other....

It seems so perfect, when they look each other in the eye. The moments they have just being beside each other, the excitement they have....

You may tell me that you do not see him in that kind of way, but its rather impossible to believe that. Because of the strong chemistry you guys shared.

The break up was rather a mystery to me, and I shall be an idiot to keep it that way. But what puzzles me is to why not take the challenge? You guys know how much u need each other? So why not just try it?


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