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Wednesday, January 27

Thoughts simply swirl around my head....

Getting rather intense lately...

Imagine seeing black and white images, rather smokey....

Images which represents your most darkest kept secret, images which people MUST NOT KNOW about.....

Being teleported to the past, hearing all the screams, feeling so helpless....

For I could not battle that war alone....

And its not just 1 person.... Its 2.....

Haunting me every night, for the stupid things I had done when I was younger.....

Was it all worth it? Why do I even trust people so easily........

I wonder, when these screwed up memories of mine would end......

Its getting rather painful, waking me up during my soundless nights.....

Help me...... I desperately need help!


Sunday, January 24

These few weeks have been a really tough one. Getting scolding here and there. Getting rather emotionally hurt....

I do not understand, why people need to pass you a bad remark when they do not know you at all.

But oh well, this was not the big issue....

Sometimes I wonder, if both of them were meant for each other....

It seems so perfect, when they look each other in the eye. The moments they have just being beside each other, the excitement they have....

You may tell me that you do not see him in that kind of way, but its rather impossible to believe that. Because of the strong chemistry you guys shared.

The break up was rather a mystery to me, and I shall be an idiot to keep it that way. But what puzzles me is to why not take the challenge? You guys know how much u need each other? So why not just try it?

Open House and Sherlock Holmes

Thursday, January 7

Lets see, What did I do today....

Well I went to Nanyang Polytechnic open house to support Paul and his choir singing... Well it was a wonderful performance which I would never forget.

After that, I dragged him to the Ngee Ann open house because I wanted to catch up with my lecturers. In the end we stole tons of free food and not to say, some one started to munch on biscuits cooked using dry ice... GOSH!!! LOL!!!!

Well, we felt rather bored after that, so we kinda went to watch a really wonderful, manly, action pack movie, Sherlock Holmes!

Seriously, the plot is marvelous! Everything seemed perfect. There has to be a second movie, seriously! Me and Paul felt like we needed to solve mysteries.. OH OH! GIVE US 1 CASE!!!!! LOL!!!!

Oh well, I went back home thinking of Sherlock and his gang and how wonderful it would be being Sherlock's crime partner! LOL!!!!

MC for 1 week

Tuesday, January 5

I just came back from the clinic. Well, I am diagnosed with persistent URTI. OH YEA! My tonsils are like the size of tennis balls and i have been coughing out blood since yesterday. Scary much?

Well, I introduced Paul to my family. Really nice guy ah. He followed me to the clinic to see the doctor. Well thanks man. Needed someone by my side.... He even dropped me home sia! LOL! Because I was feeling rather giddy....

Oh well, I did not wanna frighten my parents so my diagnosis is kinda kept away from them. I guess I won't be working till this Saturday.

Hopefully I would get well soon!

Life is great =)


Sunday, January 3

AT LAST! A closure!

Gosh, I have been waiting for a closure for so long. Well, after it, I felt awfully good.

Well, I met Malcolm, Shin, Paul and Khairul today. Kinda sat down at Burger King in Orchard Central today and started doing funny stuff. Here are some of the pictures.....

Malcolm, Shin, Khairul

Me, Malcolm and Shin

Oh dear Lord, I cannot seem to upload a Photo of Paul, Shin and me.... GOSH!!!!!

Oh well, We really did have a ball of a time. But got scolded because I reached home at 11.30 pm... Haiz haiz haiz.....

Happy New Year!


Well 2010 has arrived. I predict that its gonna have an awesome start. But something is gonna happen in the end of the year. Now, I wonder what that would be! HMMP!!!!

Currently hanging out with Malcolm and Paul! Having loads of fun. Sitting down at Macdonalds in Tanglin, doing our count down.

But oh well, felt really bad not spending time with my buddies, but it was a hard decision to make. Please try to understand. I mean, if you were in my shoes, you would surely make that decision right peeps :)

Well I guess thats all for now. Just wanna wish all my darlings a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!


Happy New Year!

Friday, January 1

Lets take a minute of silence to say goodbye to our "recession year".

This year started of very badly, with many break up, within friends especially, and my hardcore steve jobs strategy. Fell sick so many times, skipped lessons, and so on.

But somehow, i manage to get a better GPA of 3.5 and something special, which happened on the 20th of December 2009.

Hope I do not blow that off too.. I would be totally devastated!

Oh well, here comes the countdown!!!!!

10.... 9.... 8.... 7.... 6.... 5.... 4.... 3.... 2.... 1....