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Charlie St. Cloud

Saturday, October 2

This movie is based on the novel "The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud"d, by Ben Sherwood. Zac, who acts as Charlie does a great job at his mature role. This movie concentrates on the special bondings between the brothers.

When Charlie's brother died, Charlie started to live in denial. He knew that his brother did not exist, but he simply refuses to let his feelings go....

I shall not reveal too much of the story line, but overall, I feel that the movie was quite good. The acting was simply excellent. It captures our emotions at the same time. The storyline could be quite confusing, but it is definitely unique to most movies. The director did a great job.

I would give it a rating of 3.5 out of 5. Recommended to watch in cinemas.

Out now for just S$10.50 or less....

Slashion Goes to the Movies


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