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Wednesday, May 12

Well what is velocity basically? Ohh... Velocity is the rate of change of position right? Hmmp... Teaching Hui Wei is really a challenge I should say. Having him playing around with his lap top, yet having his Physics paper tomorrow. Hmmp... totally reminds me of the time when I was in secondary school. It is definitely a bitter sweet memory.

I remember those times when I was with Hareni, us going to 888 plaza and eating mac-donalds. Ahh.... Those were the days when I was fat...

Talking about fat, I kinda find myself ultra skinny. I have been on a weight gaining spree again! Yea! gained 2 KG by far. another 2 more to go! Will keep you guys updated.

Oh well, I guess thats all for the first update. Oh yea, and before I go, just want to tell you guys that I have been HEALED! PRAISE THE LORD!!! Hahaha!

With plenty of love to give,

Your one and only :)


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