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Open House and Sherlock Holmes

Thursday, January 7

Lets see, What did I do today....

Well I went to Nanyang Polytechnic open house to support Paul and his choir singing... Well it was a wonderful performance which I would never forget.

After that, I dragged him to the Ngee Ann open house because I wanted to catch up with my lecturers. In the end we stole tons of free food and not to say, some one started to munch on biscuits cooked using dry ice... GOSH!!! LOL!!!!

Well, we felt rather bored after that, so we kinda went to watch a really wonderful, manly, action pack movie, Sherlock Holmes!

Seriously, the plot is marvelous! Everything seemed perfect. There has to be a second movie, seriously! Me and Paul felt like we needed to solve mysteries.. OH OH! GIVE US 1 CASE!!!!! LOL!!!!

Oh well, I went back home thinking of Sherlock and his gang and how wonderful it would be being Sherlock's crime partner! LOL!!!!


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