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Fun day out!

Sunday, December 20

Today was rather fun... Met up with Paul and we had loads of fun... Laughing our asses out and taking loads of crappy photos.

Also met Kannan to get a card... I wanna surprise someone with it. Touch someone from within. To show how much that person mean to me.... I really did miss Kannan a lot... Been a long time since I met him.

Guess who else I miss? Vidya! My bestie for 15 years... Razia and Azizah, my besties for 7 years.... Argh, talking about years, time really does fly fast! There are sooo many things for me to accomplish, LIKE TO BECOME THE PRESIDENT OF SINGAPORE! Who knows.... But I promise I would be a good president, just like our current one :)

Life is great.... =)


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