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Tomorrow's the day!

Wednesday, December 30

Tomorrow the day man! Where millions of cupids normally fly around, shooting their arrows, and definitely mean boyfriends, breaking up with their girlfriends when the clock reaches 12 am on new years.

But oh well, I have my plans. Totally was in a dilemma. Did not know what to do. But oh well, i had to lose one to gain one right? I cannot possibly attend 2 at a time. I made a promise back than when I thought I would not be attached. But now, things have changed!

So sorry if I have disappointed you buddy...

Still loving you as always...


Tiring day at work

Tuesday, December 29

Haha! This picture totally reminds me of Ris Low...

Haha! Sorry Rissie Dear!

Well anyway, had a really tiring day at work, with tons of admissions and discharge. I was sooo stress till I bought Mcdonalds again! ARGH! I know I told dear not to hurt my health but that coke was tempting me. So i gulped down a medium cup and wolla! Now I have stomach discomfort! I deserve it!

Haha! Well, work is gonna get rather tough this coming weeks. Its my final month at my work place and I need to buck up! I need to improve! I need to show the TRUE ME! (CHEY.. want to action only!)

Oh well, lets see how life goes. Totally missing Adrian... Must give him a call and find out how he is doing. Must also catch up with Khairyll and the rest man!

Time to go bankrupt!!!!


Life is great! =)

Outing with Nathan

Sunday, December 27

Outing with Nathan was Fun man! Especially when his friend came along. We kinda went to watch Avatar again. What an awesome movie it was, but no comments on that!

Well, I had troubles finishing up my horribly tasting baked rice! sobbers!

But thats not the point. The point is, Nathan and I went to the gift shop in level 4 ion orchard to shop for a new year gift for someone special. I have something in my mind but I do not know if it would be too loud. Maybe it would be. Kinda having second thoughts now man!

Well I need help from you wonderful angels! What gift should I buy for someone special? To tell that person how much that person means to me? PLEASE HELP!!!!

Life is great... =)

Christmas Hangout

Friday, December 25

First of all, snoopy would like to say MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone who reads this blog!

Well, my christmas hangout with the guys yesterday was awesome! Plus I met up with Paul and Boon Siong this morning. Saw cute people wearing small little christmas hats. Paul and Boon Siong were rather interesting people. Little conversation would happen between them and Boon Siong would shoot out questions which I find it hard to answer! Haha!

But that lunch was good guys! "High Class" Chinese Restaurant. Haha! You guys seriously crack me up. Well, I am definitely booked on February 15. 1 day after valentines day. Its someone's 2 years anniversary and I need to support that sweet couple! I wonder what I should get for them? Hmmp!!!!!

Well I guess thats all for this post. Cheers guys :)

Life is great... =)

Alvin and the Chipmunks

Wednesday, December 23

Awww, look whose back. The chipmunks baby! Well i am gonna watch this movie with Pual, Andrew, Ben and Denny... Can't wait for our pre-christmas hangout man!

I simply am enjoying life now. Work's a breeze, it feels so homely there. I love my staff and all. Maybe a few hiccups here and there, but I know that eventually, I would be standing there with confidence.

Morning shifts are rather tiring though. But if I could manage to sleep before 11 pm every night, I think I would be save!

I have to catch up with my older friends now man. Making too many too fast till I have not much time for the older ones. I would wanna meet Nathan on the 27th, and Vidya on the 2nd of January.

I have this urge to go clubbing again! But i want someone who is around my age to follow me. Lets see what happens eh? :)

Life is great... =)


Monday, December 21

I felt horrible today... Why? Because I made someone who is darn special to me cry... Well, the person thought I was gonna ask for a break, but oh well... I am not that kinda guy.... I do love you and I am definitely not afraid to express it! I just wanted to see if you felt the same... :)

Well, after putting up a nice act, I gave my special someone a little gift, written by me. Hope it will be with that person forever! Hahaha!!!!

Gosh! Missing you already... Felt lonely when I walked back home alone... Felt rather cold tooo.... But I am sooo not gonna whine bout it... :)

Well, i guess thats all for now.

Life is great =)

Fun day out!

Sunday, December 20

Today was rather fun... Met up with Paul and we had loads of fun... Laughing our asses out and taking loads of crappy photos.

Also met Kannan to get a card... I wanna surprise someone with it. Touch someone from within. To show how much that person mean to me.... I really did miss Kannan a lot... Been a long time since I met him.

Guess who else I miss? Vidya! My bestie for 15 years... Razia and Azizah, my besties for 7 years.... Argh, talking about years, time really does fly fast! There are sooo many things for me to accomplish, LIKE TO BECOME THE PRESIDENT OF SINGAPORE! Who knows.... But I promise I would be a good president, just like our current one :)

Life is great.... =)


Saturday, December 19

Went to watch Avatar.  At first, I thought the movie would be alright, until I watched it.....

OH MY GOD! ITS SIMPLY THE BEST MOVIE IN MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE... the storyline is pure beauty....

Well the cinema was rather quiet, even though its filled with hundreds of people. I think I laughed too hard at some points of time.. Haha!

Gosh! Another pimple is making its way onto my face! Why does it always happen when it is nearing to the Christmas season! My self-esteme like totally dropped! Hahaha! Been spending loads of time in my emo corner, I guess I even decorated it! Hahaha! Gosh! Life is fun!



AMK Park

Thursday, December 17

Sometimes, all it takes is a stroll along AMK park, being with a totally random friend, wishing how life with be being with that person.....

How would life be?

Hmmp..... If all goes well, it would be incredible! If all does not go well, well, down the drain i suppose?

But thats life. Its so unpredictable..... Always have expectation, but having expectations disappoints oneself especially when they do not achieve it. Just like what happened to my Clinical Attachment Grades. I got a B+. I was totally disappointed! I felt stupid! I felt as if I am not pushing myself harder.

Whats my aim in life? Well, to be a Doctor of course. But if that dream is crushed, than I would love to be a Nurse educator. My passion lies in Teaching and Saving my dear patient's lives.

Hopefully I would get out of my emo corner soon....

Fingers crossed!!!!


Sunday, December 13

Hahaha! They never fail to crack me up.

If only their story line was real! If only life was like theirs, how nice things would be eh?

But anyway, been having a difficult time lately! My friends are all now hating me because I do not have enough time to meet them. I have like a million friends (To be frank) and i definitely cannot meet all of them. But i would try my best.

I usually do not like meeting people on my work days (Usually Mondays to Fridays) as I would tend to be tired.

Here are the people I need to meet this week: Jeffray, Kannan, Paul, Vidya. And the worse part is I only have 1 off day. So how do I slot them? I am afternoon from Mondays to Wednesdays, so I practically cannot meet anyone.

Jeffray already booked me on Thursday evening before he goes overseas, Kannan initially booked me on Saturday but too bad, have to go to work, but I guess I would meet him on Sunday. I guess I have no choice but to meet Paul on Saturday and Vidya on Friday. Really need to spend time with these people.

From next few week, i am looking to meeting Praveen, Shahmen, Viknesh, Samuel Nitesh, Ivan, Eugene, Khairil, and maybe a few other ancient friends... but I shall plan for that later on!

I wonder what happened to Hareni! Hmmp!!!!!

Oh well, had a busy day at work yesterday. Usually I would take 4 - 6 cases at work. Yesterday I was given 8 with like 4 discharges! IT WAS REALLY DIFFICULT TO FOLLOW UP! Well, I understand that working in a government hospital requires you to take 12 cases, but if any nurses were posted to Raffles, they would truely understand the stress...

However, I was really happy to have my Nursing Clinician beside to guide me. She is the main reason to me liking the hospital and further developing my passion in nursing. Thanks alot :)

Other than that, I have nothing else to say...

Hahaha... Till tomorrow honey bunnies..



Wednesday, December 9

Make a diagnosis by these following symptoms:

1) Sharp stomach pain
2) Gastric Reflux
3) Chest Pain
4) Phlegm
5) Bad Breath
6) Loss of Weight
7) Loss of Appetite

All these symptoms spell G A S T R I T I S!!!!

Oh dear lord! Rumors are true! Most nurses do have gastritis!

Well the doctor said that mine was really serious and I would need to start treatment soon! Oh well! Hopefully I would get rid of this darn gastritis soon! Its pure annoying!!!!! If I get this treated, I definitely would manage to put on weight!


Fully utilizing my 2 days MC :)


Tuesday, December 8

Has anyone ever realised that NO one could ever spell STRESS without the caps? Its likes STRESSFUL!!! STRESS!!! OH I AM FREAKING STRESS!!! There is always the caps...

Well anyway, i was having an assessment by my lecturer today and oh dear lord, it definitely did not go well. I practically forgot all the drugs classifications and indications and bla bla bla bla.... Sometimes i wonder to myself, why do I do stupid sciences :|

I WANNA STAY AT HOME AND DO MY OWN BUSINESS!!!! Anyone care to venture? :D

Slashion Goes Personal

Monday, December 7

Well, I have decided to organize my blog in different tab.

1) Fashion
2) Electronics
3) Personal
4) The hidden side of me

Well, this is definitely my first entry so I have nothing much to write.

Well, lets talk about what happened at work today. Basically today was a really busy day at work. The new NUS students came in and are staying in for 2 weeks. Sweet eh?

Shall see how everything goes man! Seriously! Can't wait to work with em!

Lovin ya darlings!


Sunday, December 6

Well, so what has changed lately? Basically my thinking. Well i have been rather disappointed with myself.

I am definitely trying my best to be efficient. I guess i need a better time management. I need to be quick on my feet....

Life is getting rather difficult lately. Working in a private sector is no joke. Dealing with billionaires, millionaires can totally be tiring. But what matters more is they get better and go home right? :)

Wild the wilder side of me has been heating up lately. I sooooo wanna go clubbing but I do not wanna tire myself to much. And gosh, I am fully packed for next week. Meeting friends and dealing with people!

Well, let me update you more on my personal life. Recently I have been on a adrenaline pump in terms of making friends. I met up with a few people, met the old ones and am finally feeling the feeling of being broke! Hahaha!

Oh god! Well, hopefully I would improve throughout these weeks! I wanna try my best to achieve a grade A! TEEE HEEE!!!!

Toodles darlings!

Loving my PRCP

Wednesday, December 2


Well well well, I shall talk about my PRCP this time. 

PRCP is a final 16 week attachment for Diploma Nursing students. 4 weeks have past by so far and I am kinda enjoying it. The staff in my hospital is great, my CI is great, even my ward sister is wonderful.

I guess the environment plays apart in learning eh? A huge part actually.

Well for this post, there will not be any photos or whatsoever at the moment. But anyways, alot of things happened during this attachment.

Well I broke down once, I nearly made errors, but luckly i was sharp and i am starting to have this bond towards my patients...

Yes, I do love all my patients. I received alot of complements from Doctors, Staff and Patients, but at the same time, I received complains. But how should we all look at complains?

Well I take these complains positively as a step to improve my service towards my darlings... Its that simple. I am not some looser who sits down and cry just because I received a complain! Hahaha!

However, things are getting more difficult lately. The pressure is on. Have been really busy busy busy!

No time for blogging, no time for friends, no time for family! Haiz... But i would definitely try my best to achieve an A for this attachment.

God bless Raffles Hospital!

Till next time people :)