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Universal Studios

Saturday, July 3

I have been rather tired to blog lately though. A lot of things seem to be happening and so little time to talk about it. But don't worry, everything has been rather positive by far.

So the big question is: Am I single or attached? To believe or not to believe my Facebook relationship status? Hmmp... :D Thats for you guys to decide though. I believe life should have a little suspense right?

My friends have been asking me to do a post about my experience when I went to Universal Studios and so, that request shall be entertained.

First of all, I went to the Universal Studios, Singapore on the 28th of June 2010. The tickets cost me 66 dollars, but don't worry bout it, every single cent spend is totally worth it. The entrance of Universal Studios may seem to be a bore to some, but once you get in deeper, you would feel as if you have been teleported to a whole new world.

It is true when they say that Fairy Tales exist, or so it may seem. I would not reveal much about my experience though as I feel I may be spoiling the fun. But my advice would be for you guys to go on a weekday. The place would be freaking crowded though.

The rides in the Universal Studios were much better than Escape Theme Park. Each of them has a story. My favourite part was the Revenge of the Mummy's Ride. I went on that ride for 10 times until I nearly puked. It was rather fun though.

Another must try ride would be the Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure.

So how much would I rate this place eh? Well, no doubt about the rating, simply a 5/5 from me.

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