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Race and Religion

Sunday, October 10

As sensitive as this topic may sound, I would love to touch on this issue.

Many people have asked me what my race or religion is. Some have also asked what it means to me. I shall answer them now.

I do not have a race nor a religion. I am Singaporean, and thus Multi-Racial with a lovely mix of culture and I am a Free-Thinker and a strong believer in God. I respect all religion though I may not like the concept of it.

The word 'race' means NOTHING to me. I maybe a Malay, or an Indian, or even a tinge of chinese, but does it make a difference? What purpose does race have? What difference does it make if I were to tell people I am Malayalee, when I do not practice anything from that culture? There is just no meaning behind it. I guess it's a good thing, to live harmoniously without making Race as a dividing factor.

To me, I feel that religion was created to spread good education and to control people so that we all live harmoniously. Religious practices are good, but however, not many religion has adapted to the 21st century.

Think about it, are words like "Going Against Nature" good preaching? Be naked, live under a tree, in a cave, whatever, have sex with your siblings, eat raw food, wearing clothes, building a house, being loyal and cooking food is definitely going against nature right? So why is being Gay frowned upon when we still do all these? 

I am not saying religion is bad, but people must be able to decide which is good and which is bad for themselves. I feel that being a Christian or a Hindu is ok, but there is no fixed way of following religion.

I became a fan of Free-thinkerism after exploring Buddhism, hinduism, Islam and christianity. Yes, I lived with a Buddhist family, I have hindu friends, I learnt Islam and I was from a Christian School. I have learnt to respect all religion and my friends who believed in it. I feel that everyone of us there should never poke fun at different religious practices and at the same time, respect the culture, even if you do not believe in it. (Unless if it is truely ridiculous) 

What are your views on this people? Are you proud of your race and religion? What meaning does it mean to you?

Slashion Goes Personal

Charlie St. Cloud

Saturday, October 2

This movie is based on the novel "The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud"d, by Ben Sherwood. Zac, who acts as Charlie does a great job at his mature role. This movie concentrates on the special bondings between the brothers.

When Charlie's brother died, Charlie started to live in denial. He knew that his brother did not exist, but he simply refuses to let his feelings go....

I shall not reveal too much of the story line, but overall, I feel that the movie was quite good. The acting was simply excellent. It captures our emotions at the same time. The storyline could be quite confusing, but it is definitely unique to most movies. The director did a great job.

I would give it a rating of 3.5 out of 5. Recommended to watch in cinemas.

Out now for just S$10.50 or less....

Slashion Goes to the Movies