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After a while!

Sunday, February 7

Its been a while since I have blogged eh? Well, sometimes I simply do random disappearances, simply to shut myself from the outside world and concentrate on what I want. For now, its just another 3 more weeks to go for my attachment to end. I prefer the wards, frankly speaking. Operating theater and the Emergency is kinda boring for me.

I have been posted to the Operating Theater the past week and I kinda find things rather interesting. The skills the surgeons have, the nurses simply inspired me to be quicker on my feet. Though I have been thinking a lot lately, about me and someone else, but I have never let it interfered with my work.

Just another week more to go for my Operating Theater posting to end, and guess what? I am scrubbing next week! Which means I would help the surgeons to pass their equipments and stuff. Not an easy job I must say, but it would be an experience of a live time :)

Well anyway, I have also applied for my insurance yesterday, since I need  to go for a few scans. Rather save some money right? Haha! Guess whose my agent? MIKE OF COURSE! Hahaha! My own personal financial consultant! How interesting right? Hahaha!

Gosh, I need to save up more money. Need to buy more things!

Well I guess this is enough for the first post! More updates to be coming up!!!

And oh yes! I need to edit my blog template too! Those pictures look simply distorted! Haha!

Life is great =)